Background Checks / Live Scan

Background checks, including a Live Scan, are required of all our volunteers. Both background checks must be cleared prior to a volunteer assisting the youth of the league on or off the field. The State of California’s New Youth Protection Law (AB 506) dictates what makes a volunteer ineligible.

The law went into effect for the entire state of California as of January 1, 2022. This new law includes a background check as described in Section 11105.3 of the California Penal Code. This requires a volunteer to get a background check through a fingerprint scan at a Live Scan location (located all over California).

The new law also mandates that organizations have policies in place to ensure that these regular volunteers for an organization are reporting suspected child abuse. This is described in Section 11165.9 and Section 11166.05 of the California Penal Code as well as requiring that at least two mandated reporters are there when interacting with youth players. Mandated reporters are described in Section 11165.7 of the California Penal Code.

Big Bear Baseball and Softball uses JDP to conduct its background checks for all of their Volunteers each season. This is a critical step for keeping our players safe. The league will provide this service free of charge for the Manager and 2 coaches per team (3 coaches/team mom for Fowl, Shetland, Pinto, 8U). You will be asked for your Name, Address, Date of Birth, and Social Security Number. If more volunteers desire to volunteer than the above allotted, a fee of $10 per background check will apply.

Big Bear Baseball and Softball will schedule a live scan service for all of their Volunteers who have not yet been live scanned to attend each season. This date and time will be announced once scheduled. The league will provide this service free of charge for the volunteers, as listed above, who attend the one day event. If you are unable to attend the event, you may schedule your own live scan and provide our leagues information. Please bring your photo ID to the live scan event. If more volunteers desire to volunteer than the above allotted, a fee of $30 per live scan will apply.

Background Check  

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